News & Events

2013 Judith Sanders Memorial Scholarship Awarded

moreno_smallThe Board of Directors of the Rural Technology Fund are pleased to announce that Matthew Moreno, a 2013 Graves County High School graduate from Mayfield, KY has been awarded the Judith A. Sanders Memorial Scholarship for the 2013 academic year in the amount of $1000.00.

Mr. Moreno is planning on attending the Lipscomb and will be majoring in Engineering Physics. He was selected to receive this scholarship based upon his exceptional responses to several essay questions designed to gauge interest and passion for a future career in computer-related technology, while drawing inspiration for his rural community.

In his essay response, Matthew cited how one of his teachers, Mrs. Morris, had inspired him to pursue an engineering career: “She’s taken our class to University of Kentucky and Murray St. Competitions to polish our presentations, stayed after school to help with our work, gave us valuable resources such as the Inventor Program and the RoboTechnic parts.”

We wish Matthew the best of luck in his future pursuits!