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News & Events

A 3D Printer to Vermont!

3dprinterThrough, the RTF sent a shiny new 3D printer to a rural middle school in Vermont!

A note from the teacher:

Dear Rural Technology Fund,

Thank you very much for your generosity! Your donation enabled our rural technology classroom to have a 3D printer! All of the students, grades K-8 come to the computer lab each week. They have all had a chance to see how a 3D printer works and pass around the projects that have come out of the printer.

Students are very excited about using this new resource. Even students who have already had me this year have returned to create a project with it. The students in grades 7&8 have become the experts on how to use the 3D software and manage the printer. They in-turn teach others how to use the software and use the printer. Some of the 8th graders are going onto the local private high school in the fall. I hope their use of the 3D printer has interested them in STEM, and they will consider taking the engineering or CAD class as an elective. Our area and our state are in need of students who are educated in the CAD and engineering fields. These are also some of the better paying jobs.

With gratitude,
Mrs. H