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Introducing Technology Hour in Tuskahoma

Jonathan Freeman, the superintendent at Tuskahoma Public School, embarked on a journey to integrate technology into the school’s curriculum. His vision? To introduce engaging technology classes for students, lay the foundation for a dynamic after-school program, and, ultimately, establish a robotics team.

A student works with Tinkercad on a laptop to design a piece for the county fair.

Leveraging the existing “study hall” hour and with the support of two dedicated teachers, Jonathan eagerly planned the introduction of a designated “technology hour” into the student schedule. His goal is for students to become confident and independent in using technology, increasing technology literacy.

A 3D design by a student for their county fair entry.

Jonathan’s grant was for a 3D printer, which his students use with Tinkercad. Twice a week, students now experience technology hour, where they can work directly with the printer. He said, “Our kids have never had access to 3D printing technology. Now they go home and tell their parents they are doing ‘cool’ stuff in school.”

Every year, Jonathan’s students participate in the county and state fairs. The 3D printer has opened doors to new possibilities with these events. One student recently took his 3D creation to the county fair. “He designed and printed a part to use for his race car. It held a steering wheel and mounted to his car frame.” That student placed first in the county fair and moved on to the state fair!

A student from Tuskahoma Public School holds up his 3D printed part for a county fair entry.

“He planned, measured, designed, printed, drilled, and executed an idea to help him solve a problem.” Congratulations on your creation!!

Mr. Freeman’s students are currently working on new projects, including printing a GoPro mount. They are quite the creative group!

We are so impressed with what is happening at Tuskahoma Public School and cannot wait to see what else they can accomplish with their technology hour.

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