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RTF Awards Over $5000 in Scholarships in 2012

RTF-Logo-For-WebThe Rural Technology Fund is excited to announce that they have completed the award of over $5000.00 in scholarships for the 2012 calendar year. The RTF awards several scholarships that are designed to gauge the student’s passion towards his or her intended career in technology, as well as the student’s sense of citizenship and pride in their rural community.

The follow scholarships were awarded in 2012:

Rural Cyber Security Scholarship

Katherine Robertson, a graduate of Bellbrook High School in Xenia, OH, was awarded the Rural Cyber Security Scholarship in the amount of $2500.00. Ms. Robertson is currently attending the University of Cincinnati where she is majoring in Computer Engineering.  This scholarship is awarded annually to a high school or college student from a rural area who is pursuing a degree in some form of computer technology.

Judith A. Sanders Memorial Scholarship

William “Cain” Holshouser, a graduate of Graves County High School in Mayfield, KY, was awarded the Judith A. Sanders Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1000.00. Mr. Holshouser is currently attending West Kentucky Community and Technical College where he is studying Information Technology Security. This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior of Graves County High School who is pursuing a degree in some form of computer technology.

Kentucky Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) Scholarship

Cory Elder, a graduate of Graves County High School in Mayfield, KY, was awarded the KY STLP Scholarship in the amount of $1000.00. Mr. Elder is currently attending the University of Kentucky where he is majoring in Computer Science. This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating Kentucky senior that is active in their schools chapter of the STLP program, and is pursuing a degree in some form of computer technology.

Rural Women in Technology Scholarship

Tabitha Telsrow, a graduate of North Cedar Community School District in Oxford Junction, Iowa, has been designated as the first recipient of the Rural Women in Technology Scholarship in the amount of $1000.00. Ms. Telsrow is currently attending the University of Dubuque, where she is majoring in Computer Information Technology, with an interest in digital forensics.  This scholarship is awarded annually to a female high school or college student from a rural are who is pursuing a degree in some form of computer technology.


Established in 2008, the Rural Technology Fund (RTF) seeks to reduce the digital divide between rural communities and their more urban and suburban counterparts. This is done through scholarships targeted towards students living in rural communities who have a passion for computer technology and intend to pursue further education in that field.

The RTF aims to help rural students recognize the opportunity in technology careers and gain the education necessary to work in the computer industry.